Wings of Love

“The roof over our heads”
Together, we can all make a difference. This deserving family received a brand new roof thanks to Angel Wings Foundation and local supporters from Zetterberg Homes and Legends Roofing.”
“A life changing diagnosis”
Charlize was two years old when she was diagnosed with cancer. Her baby brother was due to be born a week later. With mom and dad both working to make ends meet, they were faced with a life changing event that impacted them emotionally and financially. Angel Wings Foundation was lucky to come alongside them and assist with bill paying, remodeling their condo, gas money, and more. Charlize is in remission and this family is closer than ever.

“Fulfilling basic needs”
A hard working mother of two young children was having to stop every day at Les Schwab and put air in her tires because they were so worn down. We were able to step in and purchase four brand new tires for her vehicle. This simple act provided her and her family with peace of mind and less stress.